Wednesday, February 28, 2007


You're standing there,
Talking to the girl of your dreams.
Then you notice the planes come in,
People start screaming.
The planes start to drop bombs,
There's fire everywhere,
Buildings are crashing down around you,
Everyone around you is dying,

The only thing you say to the girl is-

"I'll be your distraction."

Reconciling With The Past

What is it about significant people from our past that leave us with an inability to let go of them?
They've hurt us, they've deserted us, they've destroyed us, yet we forgive them. Or can't.

You never realize what you had until you've lost it, eh? And for the stupidest reasons too. I find myself looking back sometimes and asking myself how I could be so stupid and why I acted like that. Then again, I was still just a kid- in a way, I still feel like I am. Even though, I wish I could've been a better person. I bet we all wish we could've been better.

Even now, I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

But can mistakes really be prevented? No. I mean, that'd take all the fun in life.
Can mistakes ever be truly let go of? Can time heal wounds? Perhaps...

I mean-

History is made every day.
Every day is an opportunity to reconcile with your past. Take it.

You might get crushed, but take the chance. You never know.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Online Games, Part 1

I've been pretty much playing them since grade 8.
Do I regret it?

Yes, I do. But not completely.

The actual games I could never play alone. They're cool and everything, but now that I realize it, I never really ever wanted to play alone. Ever since the beginning, I've been pretty much making my mark in the online gaming world with Jonathan, but the "dawning of my online gaming career" didn't really start until grade 9, my first year at Mary Ward.

I miss my locker, Amanda uses it now. I remember one day after lunch, I was getting something from my locker, when this tall-and-merciless Asian guy walked up to Amanda's locker (it was beside mine) and opened it. Me being a n00b, I went out on a limb and said:

"Hey...that isn't your locker."

I think he just laughed and said "Shh", then went on his way.

Anyways, I go to Geography (alone, ew) , take a seat, and start doing my work. Who none other than the tall-and-merciless Asian guy from before takes a seat beside me. We start talking about stuff. Cool.

A few days after in art, I remember about this sick online game I played two years back called Ragnarok. I was with my buddy Jesse, who told me that he was playing RO for free.

"RO for free? Seriously?"

That one moment in my life screwed over my entire academic career.

Anyways, Jesse tells me about private servers and the one he plays on: EuphRO. He told me he plays with people at school, people mostly in grade 10. I thought "hey, that's cool" and immediately went home and started downloading Ragnarok, Sakray, and EuphRO. I started playing and goddamn, I fell in love with this game. It was sick. A few days later, I bring Jonathan into it, telling him about private servers. I remember telling him about Ragnarok a long time ago, but said it was a game that you had to pay for. We both got into it really quick; I was a mage and he was a swordsman.

Man, were we n00bs.

Eventually, we got recognition by the group of people that played RO at our school.
They were called The Scourge.

Remember the tall-and-merciless asian guy from before?
He overheard me and Jon talking about RO in science.

To be continued.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Bloody Butterfly

The Bloody Butterfly is a fascinating creature.

I was fortunate (or rather...unfortunate) enough to meet one a little over a year ago. It tries to blend in with a crowd of other creatures, yet it fails to show any true concern for any of them. It stands out- but not in a good way, like a subtle poison disguised in ordinary food.

What's so fascinating about the Bloody Butterfly is how captivating it is. The way is flaps its blood red wings is an illusion that plays games with your mind. Many people have fallen victim to this trance, which tends to lead to the same result: a sense of loss. The Bloody Butterfly's illusion entrances victims with hope, making them believe that it's a sign for good things to happen in the future. When the Bloody Butterfly leaves, the hope remains for a while, then turns to the sense of loss, almost rejection. There have been reported situations where the victim has become obsessed with the Bloody Butterfly. No one knows why interaction with Bloody Butterfly causes these things. It's been reported that the Bloody Butterfly may appear in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Once you see through the illusion you realize how plain this butterfly really is.

But because it blends itself within a crowd, it's hard to identify bloody butterflies.
One will rarely ever realize they're in its trance.


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Saints

My home is my prison
Where my blood is taken from me
For my brave brother, who is perfect
Except for his tainted bloodstream.

I cannot see the demon that unbearably abuses me
The desire for a loving mother is overwhelming
My hate for my brother is as great as my lack of vision
In everyone’s eyes but mine, he is like a king.

The forgotten united; they emerged from the south,
The great city I live in falls, my prison is no more
My demons are assassinated
When I was 16 I then learnt of a world engulfed in war.

I learnt of a world tainted by greed
Famine, corruption, poverty, and oppression
Our greed infected their lives like venom
As is mine, revenge is their obsession.

The protectors of what’s left of this world’s freedom
Take me and my brother under their wings
My master teaches me the arcane arts
And for a while, happiness is what this life brings.

I’ve come to love my comrades
I was not alone in my suffering; I’ve come to know their pain
The world is united only by agony
A universal truth I have ascertained.

What justifies the death of an innocent?
How can we take the lives of people in freedom’s name?
It’s like a mere false illusion that we are good people.
We should all be ashamed.

We were left to die in the kingdom of all graveyards
I see all the bodies around me
Betrayed by our own, we join the graves of tormented souls
The venom has infected my sanctuary.

The forgotten came from the south
We were the privileged, we were the great north
We made their lives hell

Our society collapsing, they stood up for themselves
These once desperate people now fight for their own justice
Must they take the lives of our innocent?
Did we deserve this?

We are still children!
They destroyed the only people I cherished!
Dear brother, I forgive you, and I’m sorry for being weak
For freedom I am a martyr, for justice I will perish.

We fought for the honor this world never had
We were the mockingbirds of the hour
We fought to protect the innocent
We were The Saints of the century.

Thought I'd just start off with a poem. Please comment.