Friday, February 23, 2007

Online Games, Part 1

I've been pretty much playing them since grade 8.
Do I regret it?

Yes, I do. But not completely.

The actual games I could never play alone. They're cool and everything, but now that I realize it, I never really ever wanted to play alone. Ever since the beginning, I've been pretty much making my mark in the online gaming world with Jonathan, but the "dawning of my online gaming career" didn't really start until grade 9, my first year at Mary Ward.

I miss my locker, Amanda uses it now. I remember one day after lunch, I was getting something from my locker, when this tall-and-merciless Asian guy walked up to Amanda's locker (it was beside mine) and opened it. Me being a n00b, I went out on a limb and said:

"Hey...that isn't your locker."

I think he just laughed and said "Shh", then went on his way.

Anyways, I go to Geography (alone, ew) , take a seat, and start doing my work. Who none other than the tall-and-merciless Asian guy from before takes a seat beside me. We start talking about stuff. Cool.

A few days after in art, I remember about this sick online game I played two years back called Ragnarok. I was with my buddy Jesse, who told me that he was playing RO for free.

"RO for free? Seriously?"

That one moment in my life screwed over my entire academic career.

Anyways, Jesse tells me about private servers and the one he plays on: EuphRO. He told me he plays with people at school, people mostly in grade 10. I thought "hey, that's cool" and immediately went home and started downloading Ragnarok, Sakray, and EuphRO. I started playing and goddamn, I fell in love with this game. It was sick. A few days later, I bring Jonathan into it, telling him about private servers. I remember telling him about Ragnarok a long time ago, but said it was a game that you had to pay for. We both got into it really quick; I was a mage and he was a swordsman.

Man, were we n00bs.

Eventually, we got recognition by the group of people that played RO at our school.
They were called The Scourge.

Remember the tall-and-merciless asian guy from before?
He overheard me and Jon talking about RO in science.

To be continued.



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