Thursday, March 15, 2007

Locking the Doors that Never Opened

My parents always told me that I couldn't trust anyone because everyone just looks out for themselves and doesn't give a shit about me. I grew up not believing in that because I knew better; I believed in the common good of mankind. Why would someone want to hurt me if I did nothing to them, right?


My parents were right. You can't trust anyone. You just can't.
Everyone will let you down. Everyone will betray you.

They only need to know what they need to know; they only need to see what they need to see. So what if this kind of life leads down a trail of loneliness and isolation? So be it. It's no different than wanting not to be alone, yet showing to respect for yourself- in turn no one will show respect for you, after all.

My parents were right, after all...
Even the people closest to you will betray you and GODDAMMIT it hurts the most. It doesn't even mean your best friend or your lover, but it could be someone in your family, even your own mother...anyone can hurt you at anytime and the closer you hold them to your heart the more they'll rip out.

I give up...

No one wants to know who I am, after all. Right?
So be it.


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