Thursday, January 3, 2008

Migrating from Windows to Linux

Doubt any of you will get this but-

Some editor at a tech website had enough of Windows and was going to migrate to Linux. Fake Steve Jobs said this:

"Question: Have you ever used one of those online dating services, like, where you meet people based on that one really good-looking photo? Do they ever actually look like that photo? Right. Well good luck with your desktop migration, Dennis O'Reilly. Let us know how that works out, you friggin n00b. My guess is the freetardation will wear off and we'll be seeing you at an Apple store shopping for an iMac by about, oh, I don't know. March? We'll be waiting for you."

Then someone commented with this.

"Problem is, your Mac's photo is simply gorgeous, but you get to know the her and you realize she's an expensive hideous bitch goddess. You can't keep your hands off her, but sometimes she just won't put out for you. My wife Pat had that problem, so I got some on the side from Martha Mitchell."

I thought it was funny.