Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm Fuckin' Awesome

'nuff said.

I put windows on my MacBook. It's all hybrid now. Pwnage.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


...I can't believe I got one.


Sunday, April 8, 2007

April Playlist

April 8, 1947


There's a disease going around, they call it Summer Shudder. I heard it's because guys will feel like they're freezing even though they're actually burning up. Really nasty, that one...rendered someone in my squadron completely unstable. Luckily, we have some medicine for it, but there's Only One dose left. But don't worry, I got vaccinated, so I'll be safe. The disease is the least of my worries right now, actually.

You know what? Today was definitely a Good Day for the Allied Forces. We managed to capture the town of Le Saint-Croix, an important check-point in the German supply routes. I was definitely lucky today, one or two bullets must've flown right Over My Head! After we settled in, I began to wander the small town. I remember seeing a Little House like the one we've always wanted! I ventured a little into the forest and a clearing came In View; a small lake just outside the village. It wasn't until nightfall when I found it, though. The Moon On The Water was a gorgeous sight...I wish you could've been there to see it. I found a book on the ground too. It had a song written on it called Love Like Winter. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out the tune or the words...the pages were all torn up and burnt so it seemed like some sort of Broken Sonnet.

When I came back to the camp, a German attacked me from the shadows! He was the only one left after our raid on the town. He shot me and the bullet just grazed my left arm. It stung like a bitch, so I asked the medic to Give Me Novacaine. A Little's Enough to make the pain go away, so don't worry honey, I'll be fine. Right after the attack, our Commander got word that the British Forces needed reinforcements in a city in Northern France. Guess what? New experience with a tank today! I got to Start The Machine. On the way, we faced the biggest fight of our lives. It was our three Sherman tanks versus a single German Tiger tank. We unloaded rounds on it Over and Over but were barely able to make a single dent in it. The Tiger took out one of our tanks; the one right beside me. Jake was in that one...I can't believe he's gone. I'll never forget him, y'know? He was a huge player, I remember helping him make up Alibis for his many girlfriends. Ahaha...he didn't deserve to die, though. Rest in peace, Jake. Back to the battle- after Jake's tank was destroyed, we quickly put a fat round right into the Tiger's barrel, destroying it and rendering the entire tank useless. They had no choice but to Surrender; we weren't too far from the village so a couple of our men in Le Saint-Croix picked them up.

At the moment, we're still on our way to Northern France. I heard that we'll be discharged after this last mission, so I'll be home soon! I know that your sister wishes otherwise, but whatever. I don't know why she thinks that I Don't Love You. I just hope you're safe. I know what you're thinking, why should I be worried about you? I'm fighting a war for Christ's sake! Ahaha...don't worry about me, Love. I really miss you, you know that?

I Love You,
-Alexander J. Aguirre